Our Mission
Almost 20% of SC’s population live below the poverty level. They can be poor despite being employed. Today, employment alone does not guarantee sustainable wages. Often, people find themselves relying on public assistance but not by personal choice. Their journey is impeded by: the subsidy cliff, a lack of social resources and financial resources. The ability to achieve financial independence becomes almost impossible without support and resources.
We are the solution!
Ripple of One is focused on supporting families and young adults to move beyond the need for public assistance. We provide education, mentoring and incentives to support the journey to financial independence, eliminating the need for public assistance. Our vision is to transform poverty into generational success one client at a time. Our mission is to walk alongside our clients and help them by providing them emotional, educational, and financial support.
Our Vision
The vision of Ripple of One is to transform generational poverty into generational progress one family
at a time.
Our Success
Total clients
Ripple Of One has a history of proven results. Read some of our success stories HERE.
food stamps annual savings
Our clients are given incentives to reach for higher education, obtain a job, and learn how to save & budget.
HUD housing and Section 8 housing are no longer our clients’ only option.
Ripple Of One motivates and empowers people to reach higher than living on public assistance.