Joy Alexander: The Overcomer

Collaborating with Ripple of One has helped me to cultivate a positive mindset and outlook for my life; and my amazing kids. Since forming relationships with Ripple mentors, I have replaced negative self-judgment developed from a childhood of dysfunction with positive, self-affirming thoughts and beliefs. Without a healthy family support system, I grew to believe that abuse, chaos, and poor choices were a normal way of life. But, because of the skills and knowledge derived from the Ripple programs; my life has been transformed emotionally, physically and financially.


Two pivotal encounters would profoundly influence my mindset and life direction. The first was in college. One of my friends received a Valentine’s Day gift from her father. This exchange viscerally represented what a loving relationship and family could be. I realized that I needed a “new normal”; a healthy, happy future for me; and the family I would have one day. I, therefore, set upon a path to raise myself up.

Without resources, I did the best I could, but you can’t flourish if you are unconsciously guided by negative programming. This only promotes worthlessness and low self-esteem. I pursued and graduated from college with a B.S. in Psychology. Enroute to graduate school and neurology studies, my cherished Grandmother died. She was, and honestly still, is my “rock”. Then, my father passed. I married, had a sorrow-filled miscarriage, but proceeded to have two beautiful children. It was during my third pregnancy that my husband abandoned our family. Pregnant, with two small kids and no food to feed them, I felt isolated, afraid and confused. The life I had envisioned was falling apart. I became overwhelmed and debilitated by health issues. The lack of resources or a family system gradually crippled me.

It was through an online board for expectant moms that I informed a participant I had no diapers for my child. I could barely feed my children and the desperation made me no longer want to be here. This was when my second pivotal life point occurred. The very next morning, I woke up to a knock at the door. An online Michigan mom had overnighted diapers and soon, more and more boxes began to pile at my door from other moms in the group. I received clothes, food, groceries, wipes, and tons of daily essentials. Because of their care and outreach that week, I learned there were good people who could help bring someone out of the dark. That experience gave me the strength and courage to persevere and do what I needed for my family. Thanks to temporary government assistance and an unsuspecting brother who took us in; a new confidence emerged! Even if I was fragile and needing to take baby steps. In time, I was able to move out, begin my career as an advocate and rebuild my life. My children were huge motivators for me!

While at my job as a family advocate, I learned about Ripple of One. Their purpose really resonated with me and I pursued becoming a participant. They provided an entire team of people dedicated to helping me in every aspect of my life. The rigorous requirements introduced me to constructs like self-awareness, clarity of purpose, goal setting, action steps, accountability, discipline, trust, and hard work. The first time I met my mentor, I wept when she gave me a compliment. That’s how broken I had become.

With Ripple, I now had a resource of individuals who have helped me challenge and re-engineer my mindset, appropriately adjust my pride and soak in as much growth as possible. There have been fits and starts, but I have accomplished so much since this journey began; a better job, a reliable vehicle through the Driven to Work program; and I have lost 75 pounds by eating heather and staying fit. My credit score is up/over 150 points! Thanks to tips I learned in a Ripple financial course with a partnering church.

The ripples of good that flow in my life also reached my children. They have benefited from a loving, empowered, present and conscious parent. They will not have to feel the effects of generational, impoverished thinking and behavior that I had inherited.

Ripple of One has shown that a purpose-driven, independent and financially secure life is achievable! My mindset has never been more clear, focused and disciplined. Today, a year later, I am more resilient, I see challenges as opportunities to facilitate new learning curves and to ready my goals. I continue to exceed my expectations in this program and am enthusiastic about achieving new heights. Both personally and financially!