Almon Robinson: The Road to a Ripple Graduate


Hi my name is Almon Robinson and I’m a Ripple of One participant. I hope sharing my story with you will give you faith, strength and courage to continue striving towards your goals. I genuinely want to inspire others to make a better future for themselves and their kids! Before I joined Ripple of One I was extremely overwhelmed. I found myself always approaching a dead end when it came to finding a job. I jumped from one restaurant job to the next with little or no stability, or consistency. A single mother of three kids, no high school diploma, no GED, no job and transportation. I had little support and I felt stuck. I had a number of obstacles to get over. I just didn’t know how to go about conquering them.

Before Ripple I never saved money and I never even thought about having a savings account, or creating a budget. I am so blessed to have such an encouraging financial coach. With his help and my self-discipline, I now have an official savings account! Because of the Ripple of One program and the things I have learned, I definitely feel more confident! They always taught me how important it is to have money saved up for bills and for emergencies! I can attest to not being okay without a savings plan in place.


Ripple of One has not only taught me how to save and believe in myself but, the program has also helped my kids, thanks to the Lil' Ripplers program. The Lil’ Ripplers program has taught my eldest daughter how important it is to save money and pay her bills on time. My youngest two have learned how to socialize and share with other kids! They love the Lil’ Ripplers program just as much as I do! It has been a blessing to us all.

I would like to let others know that it’s never too late to set goals and achieve them. Knowing is not enough, you must apply. Being willing is not enough, you must do it! If you repeat what you’ve always done, you’ll always get the same results. Everything starts within you. My Ripple of One Family has been by my side in such a profound way and I could not have done it without their support! My family and I will be forever changed because of this program!