Destiny: A Dream Center to Ripple Story
Hi, I’m Destiny. I would like to share my story so that it might inspire someone else who may be struggling. My life has completely changed because of this community and the programs available. If I can do it, anyone can!
My story begins with a childhood marked by a lot of chaos. Growing up, my Mom constantly cheated on my Dad. My Dad was an alcoholic, and they argued all the time. There was no communication between the two of them and they split up frequently. At 4 years old, I was sexually abused by a family member. I told my parents about what happened but there was no response. This left me feeling unimportant and unworthy at a very young age.
At the age of 13, my parents finally ended their relationship. This made my home life even more chaotic and I began to look for ways to fulfill myself. I became addicted to drugs and developed unhealthy relationships with boys. My addictions only progressed with time.
When I was 24, I moved out on my own and got pregnant with my first son. I had no support system, no coping skills, no budgeting skills, and no spiritual foundation. I started drinking and eventually became an alcoholic just like my Dad. By 2008, I had 3 children and 3 DUI’s. In 2009, my husband was sentenced to 15 years in prison and my youngest child was hospitalized. By 2015, I was twice divorced, living in an abandoned trailer, selling and using methamphetamines. My children were living with another family member at this time. I was also arrested and facing 35 years in prison. While sitting in a jail cell one night, I could feel Jesus with me. My whole perspective changed. I knew I wanted better for my life and that I wanted to be a mother to my children.
I struggled for a few years and tried to go into recovery. Since I was living with someone who was still on drugs, it was hard to stick to. Finally in 2018, I surrendered my entire life and went to the Salvation Army. I was scared, but I knew it was the best decision. I stayed there for two months and was referred to The Dream Center in 2019. Since then I have completely turned my life around. My children now have a mother and my family is being restored to a place even better than before my trauma or addiction. The most important thing that happened while I was there was my heart transformation that only comes from Jesus.
From Left to Right- Destiny, Lanedon, Kierdyn, and Jayden
After graduating from the Dream Center, I found Ripple of One. Ripple has been a huge part in helping me budget my finances, save money, and feeling more stable than I ever have before. I am now following a budget and saving tons of money. Being able to see where my dollars are being spent has been super helpful! Before Ripple, I never had a savings account. My financial coach has taught me how to budget and save money. It is such a relief to be able to spend money when those unexpected bills come up and not have to worry about it. I’ve also learned that you can budget no matter how much money you’re making! I used to think it was impossible because I didn’t make a lot of money, but now I know it’s even more important. In the past, I would blow all my money when I got my tax refund. Now I know how to plan out a budget and spend it wisely.
Today I feel more confident than I ever have before. I am currently going to school to get a degree in Biblical Studies. I now work at the Dream Center as the Project SEW Program Coordinator & Soup Kitchen Director, and I love my job! I get to share my experience with other women and give them hope for the future. I also serve on the greet team at NewSpring. My relationship with my children is even better than I ever thought was possible.
I would love for others to know that it does not matter what you have been through or what struggles you have faced - there is always hope. There are people who can help you wherever you are and you can become stronger than you were before. Anything is possible!